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Hi everybody,
i just wanted to give you some background information on the charity A2B4C.
A2B4C started off in 1998 and the creator's are my uncle Craig, my auntie Lisa and their daughter Jessica. Just after Jessica was diagnosed with cancer Craig felt that he needed to give something back to the Children's Cancer Institute Australia for all the help and support they gave to their daughter and family.
A2B4C originally stood for Avalon 2 Broad beach 4 Cancer which was a run, cycle and paddle. After Jessica lost her battle with cancer Craig did two more successful marathons,each time pushing himself further and further. For his last fundraiser he ran, cycled and paddled all around Australia taking his totall fundraising to 1.3 million dollars!! So to remind people about the charity we would like people to help out by joining or at least giving that tiny bit of our change to the children that need our help.

Children's Cancer Institute
Every year more than 950 children and adolescents will be diagnosed with cancer in Australia.
Every week nearly three Australian children will die of cancer.
Children’s Cancer Institute exists solely to put an end to childhood cancer through medical research. We don’t just hope to do it. We will do it.
It’s not if. It’s when.
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